3 Reasons I'm Not Looking Back After Missing Out on $19 Billion 休假胜过工作狂烈士的3个原因 抛弃常规并学习专门化以充分利用您的时间 千禧一代的信用卡宿醉及其对零售业的意义 This Brand Has Something Not Even Jeff Bezos Can Sell 拥有500个地点,Wich的创始人分享了信仰的飞跃如何帮助他找到成功 这位著名的说唱歌手-企业家如何改变布朗克斯 创建3桶现金储备系统 这位技术负责人通过电子邮件和聊天进行工作面试 -- 也许你也应该这样做 从酒保到发明家: 如何将日常工作变成被动收入 An Error-Ridden Job Application Steve Jobs Handwrote in 1973 Sold for 6 Figures at Auction 优步前首席执行官特拉维斯·卡兰尼克刚刚透露了他的第二幕 企业主如何在新的一年里在财政上 (以及身体上) 适应 把你的任务放在第一位,你就不会担心收入了 您最喜欢的非营利组织可能想要 “礼物”,而不仅仅是支票。区别是这样的。 8 Ways to Stop Stressing and Start Enjoying the Holidays 认为成为企业家意味着您一生中永远不会 “工作” 一天吗?再想想。 欺骗性能帮助你建立业务吗?它为这5位企业家工作。 兼职是经济蓬勃发展的一部分,经济学家可能无法很好地衡量 为什么我对连续创业者没有印象 老派行业需要新派客户体验 停止使用Facebook广告来告诉世界你有多棒 7 Must-Read Books From Entrepreneurs in the Trenches 你如何赢得创新游戏?谷歌的 “x” 标志着这一点。 共同工作空间与私人办公室: 你如何选择? 完美电梯间距的3个组成部分 世界上8位最成功的企业家和领导人拒绝的故事 企业家应对失败的10种策略 Entrepreneurs Solve Problems Differently Than Other Professionals. 真的! Here Are the 6 Ways. 在过去的6个月中,我收到的8条最佳商业建议 美国移民成为企业家的可能性是后者的两倍。这就是原因。 From Broke to Billions: 5 Strategies These Billionaires Used to Get Rich 哭泣如何挽救您的业务 韧性如何引导我走向成功 最高法院即将对同性婚姻结婚蛋糕案做出的裁决可能会影响其他小企业 一步一步地,这就是你如何创建一个销售Facebook广告的方式 当他们面试你的时候,你需要面试他们作为一个潜在的雇主 Here's What Science Says You Should Do to Achieve Greater Success 考虫考研宣布全面进军线下,此前曾宣布线上正价课订单量行业第一 个性和睡眠的重要性: 阿里安娜·赫芬顿访谈 这位创始人给女儿的信,关于成为一名企业家和母亲意味着什么,这将激励你 今年线上 (或线下) 赚更多钱的49种方法 这位企业家如何从清洁浴室到清理 “鲨鱼罐” 为什么建立社区比网络更重要 将业务出售给第三方时必须知道的6件事 I Ran My Day Like Elon Musk Runs His -- and This Is What Happened 女企业家的影响力越来越大 多元化团队以同质团队无法实现的方式推动创新 6位超级成功的历史人物的令人惊讶的睡眠习惯 What Will Coworking Spaces Look Like in 2020?
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3 Reasons I'm Not Looking Back After Missing Out on $19 Billion

2021-05-15 13:11:08 来源:

Woulda, coulda, shoulda.

This is what immediately comes to mind when I hear entrepreneurs whining and complaining about missed opportunities. Opportunities are placed in front of us daily, and sometimes we miss out. 它总是发生。

Dwelling on missed opportunities is completely useless -- you can't change the past. Use it as a learning experience and move on.

I remember when I was first introduced to bitcoin -- it was October of 2010, and I was meeting up with a fellow entrepreneur for a quick bite to eat. He said something along the lines of, "I think I'm going to throw some money at bitcoin -- what do you think?"

I passed. I didn't understand it enough at the time and I had too much on my plate.

The other day I overheard someone say, "If only I invested $1,000 in bitcoin seven or eight years ago. I missed my one opportunity."

That way of thinking is so toxic.

If I had the same mentality, I would be complaining nonstop about how I missed out. Just to throw some ridiculous math out there, imagine if I tossed $10,000 into bitcoin when it was at a dime per coin and then sold at its highest point, which was about $19,000. Hypothetically speaking, I missed out on $19 billion.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda.

No matter what kind of opportunities you miss out on, you can't dwell on them. Here are three reasons to never look back.

1. Missing out (and making mistakes) in the past doesn't define who you are.

We all miss out on opportunities and we all make mistakes, but none of this ultimately defines who we are or who we become. It's the opportunities that we do take advantage of and capitalize on that define us.

Do people refer to Jeff Bezos as the guy that started zShops, a failed brand, or the founder of Amazon and the wealthiest inpidual in the world?

Imagine if he spent time dwelling on that missed opportunity. Now imagine a world without Amazon. plenty of successful entrepreneurs failed in the past -- it's part of the game.

2. Dwelling on the past will prevent you from growing.

If you dwell on the past you will never grow. It's the missed opportunities and the failures that teach you priceless lessons and shape your mind moving forward. Failure is part of the ride. I failed multiple times, but I never dwelled on the past.

Every time I was knocked down, I bounced right back up, ready to take more punches. Through all of the early struggles and failure I discovered that the marketing aspect of each business I started was the one part I truly loved. It eventually led to me starting my first marketing agency.

Most people like to just focus on the wins and successes, but most entrepreneurs have been through many more downs than ups. Those that don't dwell on the past are able to push through and eventually win.

3. Looking back will cause you to miss new opportunities in front of you.


By looking back, you risk the possibility of missing a new opportunity that crosses your path.

I make a conscious effort to always look forward -- and this leads to personal growth and new opportunities to capitalize on. If you constantly look back, it can turn into a vicious cycle of missed opportunities. Leave the past behind you and focus on moving forward and you will be constantly presented with new opportunities.

