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Focus on Doing This One Thing Every Single Day

2021-06-04 21:11:08 来源:

In college, I had the wonderful privilege of playing footballfor coach Terry Hoeppner at Indiana University.

He was the type of leader who madea lasting impression on me after the first meeting for the rest of my life.His energy, enthusiasm and passion to bring out the best in others is what totally reeled me in when the time came for me to decide where I would play college football.

I still get the question all the time:“Why did you choose Indiana when you had the opportunity to go to programs that won championships before?”The reason why I chose Indiana University over other schools is because of the man whomade a profound difference in my life, coach Hoeppner.

While I was atIndiana University, I and other members of my football team wore shirts with the letters GBT engraved on the back. This stands for “Get Better Today.”Coach Hep would remind us over and over again that the only thing that truly matters is to capitalize on the opportunity to live another day and promise ourselves to "GBT." Above all else, if we focused on getting just a little better than the day before, over time the results would be substantial.

I still usethe GBT method todayand speak about it wherever I go.It doesn’t matter thetype of work you do.This method can take you to the top and help you become the absolute best at what you do over time.

Something I often seeis people seeking instant gratification without putting in the necessary work required.people forget the importance of waking up each morning and focusing solely on maximizing their life for that particular day -- not tomorrow, next week or next month, but today.


One of the first decisions you can make is to determine that each dayno matter what your circumstances are, the struggles you're facing or how unhappy you are,you will find ways to get better.Some days will be challenging and will consume all your energy. But if you don't make a deliberate effort to get better, you won't.

Make the decision to GBT.Write it down on a post-it note and place it where you can see it five or six times every day. pick one area that you want to get better in for that day and write that down, too.Carry it in your wallet or purse and look at it every chance you get.

Over time, your decision to get better every single day will reap tremendous benefits in your life and drastically increase your success rate.

