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Show Employees You Care About Their Well-Being. Here are 5 Ways.

2021-06-14 16:11:03 来源:

When we hear the term “well-being,” most of us imagine physical health. But well-being holds a much bigger significance in the workplace -- how employees envision their future, goals, overall outlook and attitude.

In the November 2015 Impact of Excellent Employee Well-Being study of 2,363 employees, conducted by the O.C. Tanner Institute, employees rated their life at work at the middle point of a 10-point scale. In five years, they said, they didn't see that well-being improving much.

That's not good: With well-being affecting turnover, performance and the overall health of organizations, it’s necessary for employers to begin changing these statistics.Here are five ways to change how your employees view their well-being in the workplace:


Let’s face facts: Many employeesspendmore time with their coworkers than they do with family. So, having a positive attitude toward their role and future at the company has got to weigh heavily on their interactions with fellow employees. Employers who recognize this will actively focus on team-building and establishing healthy coworker relationships.

To do this at your company, plan events around building teamwork skills and communications. Try coordinating monthly planning meetings where employees can brainstorm ideas for the coming months. Designate a chat room where employees feel free to express to one another work and personal issues. Establish a special team-volunteering day.


It’s imperative that employees see how their paths can continue within an organization. Offering thema clear visual will motivate them to strive for goals and see possibilities for personal growth.

So, be specific when showing employees theirtheir future at the company is bright and includes them. Use one-on-one meetings to understand each staffer's expectations and goals. Sometimes, it’s hard to remember which goals were set, and on what time line;so keep track by utilizing a tool like Workstory, a personal accomplishment journal.

Above all, be transparent so each inpidual can see what steps need to be accomplished to reach their ultimate goal.

3. Focus in on emotions.

When emotionally drained or stressed, any of us will are going to findit impossibleto achieve our highest-quality work. Work-related stressis an enormous factor in mental well-being. Employees who have a natural drive may find it difficult to unwind and take care of that well-being.

Unfortunately, only 63 percent of 828 employees surveyed said they believed that company leaders cared about trying to create a more human workplace focused on employee well-being. The source for this data was The ROI of Recognition In Building a More Human Workplace study released in November 2015 by Globoforce.

Encourage employees to take time for breaks, especially those involving exercise. Relieve pressure by ensuring the organization is properly staffed, and ensure that employees and leaders are on the same page about expectations of goals and hours worked.

4. Offer educational opportunities.

Leaders who provide educational opportunities are showing employees that their goals and future at the company are important. 58003

Give employees a chance to perform at their highest quality and contribute to the betterment of the company. providing these opportunities will show them that the organization is invested their future.

5. Recognize hard work.

The overall outlook and attitude of employees has a trickle-down effect from leadership. The way leaders interact and acknowledge accomplishments affects the overall well-being of both employees and the company as a whole.

Letting team members know management is aware of their achievements will promote a healthy and positive outlook throughout the organization. Use recognition software to build up employee confidence, and don’t forget peer-to-peer recognition.

