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Changing Your Company's Culture in 3 Easy Steps

2021-06-13 10:11:09 来源:

In business the only constant is change.That’s a good thing. Without change we don’t grow, and if we aren’t growing, we’re usually stagnating and dying.Changing your organization is difficult;I’ve heard it described as akin to turning and ocean liner -- it can be done, but not quickly, without jeopardizing your success.And while people will eventually accept change, they seldom forgive it.Here are some tips for changing your culture as painlessly as possible:

Make the case for change.

"All change comes from the barrel of a gun,"Mao Tse Tung famously said.Change is not possible if people are content with the way things are;corporate inertia is dangerous because it makes it difficult to rapidly adapt to changes in the economy, to the introduction of disruptive technology, or to some other unexpected and critical need to change.

To garner support for change, a leader must convince the organization that the current state of affairs is unsustainable, dangerous, or otherwise injurious to the company’s long-term success.If people don’t believe that change is essential they will fight it tooth and nail.

Articulate a clear vision of the desired state.


Create clearnextsteps toward the desired state.

Understanding why the organization needs to change and being able to visualize a sustainable company that is able not only to meet emerging business challenges but also to thrive in tomorrow’s reality is essential. But it’s not enough to bring lasting change.For true culture changeyou must have a logical and methodical plan for bringing the change to life.These next steps will lead your organization to adopt the values and practices necessary for a new culture to take hold.

When developing your next steps, be sure to build in points for people to acclimate to the changes.Culture change is a bit like climbing a mountain -- you can’t just rush up the side and plant your flag at the top; you have to stop at intervals tolet your organization adjustto the new climate.Once they've caught their breath,your organization is ready to again push ontoward the summit.

