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12 Reasons Entrepreneurs With Type-A Personalities Are Unstoppable

2021-06-11 19:11:11 来源:

personalities fit into one of two groups -- Type A and Type B -- it’s one or the other. Type A's typically are extremely motivated inpiduals with lofty goals and the internal fire to go after anything they desire. Type B’s are typically more laid back, lacking the same level of intense self-motivation that Type A'spossesses; They also operate at a much lower stress level.

I’m a Type A personality myself and believe that that's been advantageous for building my company. I can remember my mother telling me, when I was very young, “You’re such a Type A, just like your father -- you need to learn how to calm down, or you’re going to have a heart attack.” As an adult, I've learned thatType A personalities are unstoppable, and I've learned the 12 reasons why:

1. Type A’s make their career priority number one.

58003 Yet Type A’s are still willing to sacrifice for the best interest of their business and related goals.

2. Type A’s have a hard time shutting off work mode.

There is no denying that shutting down and getting away from your business is healthy, but very few Type A’s can stay away from their projects. The truth is, they feel more comfortable working than relaxing.

3. Type A’s love to use to-do lists.

Creating a to-do list allows you to attack your tasks onebyone without having to stop and p out what to do next. 58003 Type A’s will create to-do lists for everything: As I type this, I have two to-do lists on the desk in front of me. One has work-related tasks and one has personal errands; lists area habit I picked up at an early agefrom my father, whomade lists for everything.

4. Type A’s are always on time.

Type A’s understand that time is the most valuable asset. They show up on time and expect others to do the same. A college professor said something to our class that I will never forget: “如果你来早了,你就准时了。如果你准时,你就迟到了。 If you’re late, don’t even bother, because it shows that you’re a disrespectful a**hole.”

5. Type A’s don’t waste time.

The thought of procrastination is mind-boggling to Type A’s. There is no need to put something off that can be accomplished right now (they believe).procrastination and putting off the inevitable causes issues down the line. If a task can be completed right away, you can be certain that a Type A will get it done as quickly as possible.

6. Type A’s don’t accept the notion that something 'can’t be done.'

If something is physically possible, then Type A’s are 100 percent confident that they can accomplish it. They have complete confidence in their ability to accomplish anything and everything that they set out to do.

7. Type A’s are perfectionists.

Nothing irritatesa Type A personality more than mistakes. They don’t set out to be perfectionists -- they morph into them because anything less than perfect just isn’t acceptable. That persistence allows them to reach their goals when most would have given up long ago.

8. Type A’s are planners.

In order to reach a goal, you need a clearly defined plan to get from start to finish. While others might attempt to try to p things out along the way, a Type A creates a solid plan that he or she follows religiously.

9. Type A’s are great problem-solvers.

part of the reason that Type A’s are such great problem-solvers is thatthey fully believe in their ability, so much sothat they are confidentthey can come up with a workable solution for any problem that might arise. This confidence allows them to think of a rational solution without becoming worked up and flustered.

10. Type A’s are passionate.

When you are passionate about something, you find it alot easier to go all-in and devote all your time and energy to that project. Type A’s don’t "half-ass" anything. Their passion allows them to work hard without feeling that their effort is "work."

11. Type A’s are efficient.

58003 -- Type A’s are extremely efficient. Getting as much accomplished in the shortest amount of time is the name of the game.

12. Type A’s are focused.

When it comes time to getting something done, a Type A can give that something 100 percent focus, regardless of what else is going on in life. The ability to block out distractions and remain laser focused allows these creative inpiduals to not skip a beat.

