A Navy SEAL's 5 Entrepreneurial Leadership Lessons From 2014 3每个企业家都应该避免的破坏性干扰 首席执行官如何保持自己的优势 中国首家品牌概念店于北京三里屯盛大开业 兰迪·扎克伯格 (Randi Zuckerberg) 杂耍职业和孩子的简单秘密 准备探亲假法律,避免诉讼 为期一周的路试,看看你是否是创业材料 个人品牌真的对您的业务有帮助吗? 企业家应该考虑的4件事可能不在商业计划中 “浪漫” 的工作场所文化如何发挥员工的最大作用 3 Fun But Unorthodox Employee-Motivation Hacks 不要在向员工传达赞赏的方式上成为火鸡 4 Unexpected Benefits of a Company Retreat 不要让你的情况瘫痪 10个会破坏您业务的人 15 Resolutions to Become a Better CEO in 2015 事故发生,空间困难 停止与您的小型企业玩消防员,并学习如何集中精力 避免有毒员工的最佳方法是阐明您的公司价值观 让你的员工回顾你可以带来个人和职业的成长 富有成效的会议的7条必须知道的规则 4级能力 -- 企业家必须避免的2级能力 奖励您的员工有时间从事志愿工作 在您的小型企业中招聘的6个技巧 5 Things Entrepreneurs Caught in Comparisons Should Remember Fashion-Savvy Ways to Shape Your Image to Score Business Success 在球场上和商业上都是正确的4位足球教练智慧 一个伟大领袖的真正尺度 用策略邀请偶然性 重塑个人品牌的逐月策略 企业家应该问的第一个问题 告别德里克·杰特,真正的榜样和领袖 想要成功吗? Quit Being So Positive. 向我们的孩子传授责任,即使他们为我们工作 成功人士如何建立卓越的职业关系 7迹象表明是时候解雇客户了 每个企业家都需要休假的3个原因 不要和你的团队一起回避掌上电脑 10 Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Business Life 星巴克咖啡师获得加薪和炫耀纹身的许可 微软首席执行官: 关于性别评论 “我完全错了” 7杰出商业专业人士的特点 If Chaos Is Your Startup's Default Setting, Inconsistent Leadership May Be to Blame 如何在逆境中培养精神韧性 选择全明星队时抛弃幻想足球的心态 “好的工作伦理” 的概念是否有偏见? 成功的企业主总是问自己一个问题 给工作带来独特的风格可以带来成功: 专业摄影师的经历 7位企业家在2021值得关注 5 Lessons a Boss Should Learn From Employees
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A Navy SEAL's 5 Entrepreneurial Leadership Lessons From 2014

2021-05-30 19:11:08 来源:

With 2015 slowly approaching, now is an opportune time to reflect upon the past 12 months and make course corrections for the year ahead. Specifically, it’s always a good idea to review what worked, what didn’t work and why, and think aboutwhat you will do in the upcoming year to learn from past challenges and build future strengths.

I’ve written about the effectiveness of after-action reports (AARs) as an effective tool that helps teams learn together. Any team can build a knowledge base for its members, but actually learning and implementing together is where the real magic lies, and that only happens when people trust each other and share knowledge and insights openly.

Below are five entrepreneurial leadership lessons learned from 2014 I want to share with you:

1. Shyness has a time and place -- but business isn’t it.

“Cold calling” has an evil cousin named “cold emailing,” and it works. When I set out my 2014 to-do list (I don’t set goals), getting published as a writer was at the top of it (and I have no idea why because I had never written anything before). To do so, I leveraged the power of LinkedIn by blindly reaching out to a weekly contributor, throwing my pitchand voila! I repeated this approach again for another media outlet and now write weekly columns for both.

2. Time has a price.

Nowhere else is the old saying “time is money” more applicable than in entrepreneurship. 58003 There’s only so much time in the day, and it’s never enough.

Remember this: choose your priorities, and the behaviors involved in executing those priorities, wisely. If you know that collaborating with a group of eight people will detract from rather than contribute to productivity, find another route that you know will be effective.

3.大胆点。 Be swift. Be gone.

Every mission in the SEAL Teams had three things: a goal, a means to execute that goal and the end state of what that goal should ideally look like. In other words, our decisions and actions boldly identified an objective, swiftly executedand then quickly moved on to the next one without looking back save for lessons learned.

你知道吗? An entrepreneur’s day to day is no different. Every thought, every intention, and every behavior has a purpose and a consequence. Be deliberate in what you choose, for your choices become your creations.

4. Don't have the fights outside the meeting room.

Adjourning a meeting only to have random inpiduals move to offline discussions and pose questions they never asked during the meeting completely defeats the purpose of an agenda and shortchanges everyone else involved. Moreover, it adds unnecessary time impediments to an already busy day. Instead, discuss difficult issues in the moment. Nip them in the bud before they evolve into something catastrophic. Then go do it.

5. Keep a “dear diary.”

Chances are you will never hear this again from a former Navy SEAL. Consider maintaining a running log of leadership or performance lessons learned using apps such as Evernote or Any.do to capture insights gained while “in the moment.” You can always review thoughts or sayings later if they’re recorded, but trying to recall them out of thin air is only as good as your memory allows.

Making frequent “course corrections” along your entrepreneurial journey is more effective than larger ones less often. Stay on point by learning from the past (yours and others’) and applying the best judgment to wield value in the year ahead.

