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7 Traits That Define Work Productivity Superstars

2021-06-11 16:11:09 来源:

Whether your business is a startup orlarge corporation, you need at least a fewsuperstars who can get things done, despite all the challenges and distractions in the world today. Certainly, we've all heard the excuses of those who can't or won't perform. We've heardthe repeated demandson our time.

Further, we've been frustrated by how long some people needto finish a task, and how few results we see from many of our team members.

That's why recognizing, hiringand retaining the most productive people is “job one” for every leaderin every business. I have learned from my ownyears of experience in companies large and smallthat those people who are the smartest or have the best resume-style qualificationsmay not bethe ones everyone counts on to get the most work done.

What non-resume qualities should a leader look for? 58003

1. Focuseson completion rather than blind adherencetoa defined work process

processes should be guidelines to achievea result; they shouldn't just be a compliance road map. people who look for process innovations, to achieve thedesired results in the quickest possible time frame, get more done. The maximum value should be ongetting things done, where no process has yet beendefined.

2. Knowshow to read people and navigate organizational hierarchies

Working effectively with other people is the only way to get more done than any one person can accomplish. The same is true of working outside your organization, with the outside powers-that-be. Being able to work with politicians without becoming one is a trait I especially prize.

3. Makesnon-threateningdecisions with humility and patience

Highly emotional reactions and outbursts are rarely productive in business environments. Instead, calm and resolute determination generates support for the task at hand, rather than distracting from it. people who get things done should be aggressive but not confrontational.

4. Capitalizeson a powerful position title without using it as a stick

Effective leaders get more done by using their power position to ask for help, rather than assigning people to tasks. They know that listening and rewarding can often be more persuasive than giving orders with penalties for non-compliance.

5. Builds a reservoir of goodwill without asking for anything in return

Good business and good working relationships must always be seen as unconditional, meaning not motivated by an expectation of future payback. The result will be people and organizations wanting to help you, rather than feeling an obligation to contribute.

6. Actswithin the existing culture, while working to improve it

New challenges should be seen as an incentive to be more creative, rather than an excuse to fail or pick a fight. people who get things done lead change by example, positively showing a better way within the culture. Culture change becomes voluntary, not forced.

7. Displays 'street smarts'and real domain experience.

These are the people who can quickly provide examples of how they were personally able to overcome unusual challengesand achieve results. They also are proud to relate their experience in helping other people on their team overcome hurdles and achieve common objectives.

Overall, one of the best and most visible attributes of people who get the hard work done is that they love to be challenged, and get their satisfaction from resolving problems and getting results. The down side isthat they may be easily bored, and quick to look for greater challenges elsewhere if you are not attentive withyour leadership and organization, or reward the wrong things.


It may be time for you to take a hard look at your hiring, trainingand motivation systems, to improve your superstar hit ratio. The success of your business depends on it.

