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Dream Big: 3 Ways to Fight Off Doubt and Build the Business You've Always Wanted

2021-05-19 21:11:15 来源:

Think and GrowRich by Napoleon Hill is one of my favorite books. It's a self-improvement and personal development book that I believe all entrepreneurs should read. In fact, I read it once a year, in partto keep one of his most famous quotes permanently engraved in my mind:

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."

No, simply "thinking" about success isn't going to cut it -- you have to put in the work -- and a lot of it. But, it serves a great reminder that we can achieve anything that we dream up. No idea is too crazy, and if you don't believe me, take a look at what Elon Musk has brewing.

Henry Ford once said, "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it."

Ideas are a dime a dozen, but that doesn't mean they're worthless --every million-dollar success starts as an idea. This is why Think and Grow Rich is so immensely popular and why producers in Los Angeles brought the book to the big screen -- it serves as a major wake-up call for many. Here are three ways to leverage your mind to help you achieve your million-dollar dream.

1. Have faith in your ability as an entrepreneur.

There are two things that get in the way of dreams -- self-doubt and fear. These are protection mechanisms that many use as safety nets and excuses. 58003

It's much easier to say, "I knew it couldn't be done" than to take it onthe chin and try again. When you have faith in your ability, the fear is eliminated and the self-doubt doesn't surface. It's very hard to lose when your idea and execution plan is backed by confidence, drive and determination.

I truly believe I can accomplish anything that I am willing to worker harder than anyone else at. It's not cockiness -- it's having complete faith in my ability to perform as an entrepreneur.

2. Remain in the correct mindset 24/7/365.

So much of the entrepreneurial journey is mental. If you are weak-minded, the smallest inconveniences or hurdles will stop your momentum and cause your goals to go up in smoke. You need to wake up every morning in a positive mindset, willing to do everything necessary to reach your goals.

You then have to maintain that mindset all day and then go to sleep with it as well. It's a non-stop cycle -- any pause will make you lose momentum. This is what makes this game difficult sometimes -- phone calls come in at all hours, emails go back and forth far beyond 5 p.m., and sometimes duty calls on the weekend.

If you have big dreams, then you need to go all-in and commit to maintaining the entrepreneurial mindset around the clock. There are several examples of entrepreneurs whowent broke and then found success -- the accomplished this by staying in the correct mindset and becoming obsessed.

3. Never be afraid of dreaming too big.

One thing that pisses me off more than anythingis hearing someone shut down an entrepreneur's dream or idea, deeming it impossible or unrealistic. Some of the luxuries and conveniences we all enjoy today started out as outrageous dreams,thenbecame reality when we ignored the doubters and got to work.

Not everyone is an entrepreneur and not everyone has the inner drive required to dream big, but don't ever let the opinion of another person crush your dreams. Dream big, dream often and never worry about what anyone else will think. I've been told I'm crazy several times, but I've never let it stop me.

