企业家的奥秘: 关于创业的5个常见误区 两名妇女开办学校教人们如何成人 如何在9比5的工作中启动您的创业公司 4种方法来决定你是否应该追求你的创业理念 引导最聪明的方式 在与投资者建立联系之前,您必须做的10件事 热情的企业家即使在袜子行业也能找到成功 2021年中小企业数字化赋能系列活动数字赋能融合发展论坛成功召开 6辞职成为企业家的强大好处 研究: 企业选择自由职业者来逃避医疗费用 您是否有能力使您的承包业务取得成功? 停止抱怨,开始胡搞 在前100天获得动力。否则。 你有专业知识让你的承包业务取得成功吗? 鲨鱼坦克的戴蒙德·约翰 (Daymond John) 说,您必须做的3件事可以帮助您的初创公司生存 两小时销售1817万!江西“百县百日”文旅消费季 直播带货大赛正式拉开帷幕 您的公司在启动时可以做的4件事 在您的业务启动前几个月建立炒作的7种方法 你讨厌的朝九晚五的工作并不像你想象的那么安全 购物特许经营时首先要寻找什么 这家公司如何在赚钱的同时有所作为 建立6位数咨询的5个步骤 教练是完美的个人业务的8个原因 党日活动--观看抗美援朝电影《长津湖》 在线课程可能没有您希望的那么有价值 为什么逆戟鲸岛出租车从一个小岛上获得大笔生意 美国各地的社区都在利用企业家精神来推动增长 这是一项6位数的服务业务,您可以以低于100美元的价格开始 企业家应该总是涉足副业。这就是原因。 研究商机时要考虑什么 在为公司聘请公司法律顾问之前,您需要的4个答案 大便! 一个创业故事被释放了。 从员工到所有者转变思维的8种方法 3种类型的体验将帮助你的创业成功 你需要知道的关于打入视频游戏行业的一切 破解App Store代码的5种方法 想成为一名成功的企业家吗?做你知道的。 从他的公寓里打乱一个沉睡的巨人 利基微型公司将如何统治商业世界 帮助您的公司避免顶级创业杀手的4种策略 您的商业贷款被拒绝的8个原因 我从指导世界上最好的加速器的初创公司中学到的东西 如何将你的爱好变成有利可图的商业冒险 最大的公司名称更改 (信息图) 如何找到您的电子商务业务利基 初创公司可以从数字化转型中学到的5件事 战时企业家的生活故事 如何确定您的医疗索赔计费服务的最佳市场 大多数初创公司都知道不会犯的明显错误 (但无论如何还是会犯) 如何找到你有利可图的想法
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The Simple Secret to Making an Instant Connection With Everyone You Meet

2021-05-29 13:11:11 来源:

“We have two ears and only one tongue in order that we may hear more and speak less.” -Diogenes Laërtius

Two months ago, I was in Munich missing a planefor paris.

Arriving minutes before the gate would close on me, panicking inside,I tried to remain calm while explaining the situation to a ticketing officer.I could not get a word in with this person whose jobwas to listen to me and solve my problem.Instead, Iwas only more frustrated and stuck in Munich without a solution.

For the sake of protecting the company’s brand, I won’t mention what airline it was, but it’s safe to say I won’t be flying with them again.

The most powerful way tocreate an instant connectionwith your friends, family, co-workers and everyone you will ever meet from this moment on is simple.Just shut up andlisten.

Hearing vs. listening.Thefew people who truly understand the art of listening have a huge competitive advantage in their personal and professional lives.Reflect on the conversations you have with your friends, co-workers, and partner(s).

Who’s doing most of the talking?If it’s you, then keep reading. If it’s not … then keep reading.

Studies show that less than 2 percentof professionals have had formal education on how to listen. 58003

“大多数人不是出于理解的意图而听的; 他们是出于回答的意图而听的。” - Stephen R. Covey

Information is power.Sinceinformation is a powerful competitive advantage, you're wise to spend your time acquiring more of it.We should be spending our time learning from others. Everyone has something they can teach us, no matter who they are or where they come from.

When is the last time you learned a valuable lesson by talking until your jaws cramped?For the appropriate breakdown of talking vs listening, I follow the 80/20 rule.When you’re on a date,in a meetingor attending a networking event,listen 80 percent of the time, talk 20 percent of the time.

Therule-of-thumb is, unless you haveearned the rightto share your thoughts, such as with your close friends, familyor a mentee, stop talking and listen.This is powerful for developing a strong relationship with everyone you meet.

Listen to be heard.We all want to heard. It’s a basic human need.

Have you met someone whoseemed to understood everything you said and made you feel like the only person in the room?They were simply nodding their head, reiterating what you had already saidand sharing a personal storythat seemed remarkably similar to yours.

probably fewer than 50 words came out of their mouth that entire conversation.Yet, you walked away with a heightened perception of that person’s intelligence, connectionand social skills because they genuinely cared.They asked questions that pushed you below the surface level of the everyday small talk. They shared asimilarityto you that caused an interpersonal attraction.

“A person only likes his friend to the degree he relates and connects to his character.” -Anuj Somany

I’m not saying all of this is easy but listening is an art that every aspiring leader needs to lead a tribe.While some may be impressed with how well youspeak, the people whoactually mattercare more how well youlisten.

Wherever you are, there will always be someone else that has lived more, led longer, prayed harder, or loved deeper.Open up your ears to the world, put yourself in the shoes of the person in front of youand, for goodness sakes, put away that damn Smartphone.

"Listen'' and "silent"have the same letters for a reason.

This article originally appeared inThe Growth List.

