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股和债有什么不同 what is the difference between equity and debt 「what is wrong」

2023-01-13 16:58:09 来源:粤湾商盟

投股权,还是投债权? Invest in equity or debt?


What is the difference between stocks and debt? Investing in a company, investing in equity or debt? Need external financing, is it equity financing or debt financing?


The so-called equity refers to the rights of the stock holders corresponding to the proportion of the stocks they own and the right to assume certain responsibilities.


The so-called creditor's rights refer to the specific creditor's rights or debt relationship that arises between the parties in accordance with the contract or in accordance with the provisions of the law.

追索权和风险是不一样 There is a difference between recourse and risk


Whether it is equity or debt, it represents financial recourse, that is, the right you claim against the company's profit.


The difference is that the stock you have is "residual recourse", that is, the company has to deduct all costs, including interest, and the remaining part will give you dividends, and this kind of dividend is not mandatory.


So in order to compensate you, the company will give you the right to vote to ensure that you can participate in the company's business decisions. Of course, you also know that in reality, the voting rights of minority shareholders have no substantive significance.


From another perspective, it is different from the "residual recourse" of equity, and the claim has "priority recourse."


Regardless of whether the business is good or bad, it must pay you the promised interest on time and on time, so this kind of income is fixed. And if the enterprise is facing bankruptcy, the creditor can first demand repayment according to the grade of the creditor's rights. Because of this deterministic return, the yield on the debt will be relatively flat.


Because of these characteristics, it is generally believed that, compared with stocks, debt is a relatively "low-risk, low-yield" investment, and the structure of this risk and return will also be reflected in the mentality of stock investors and debt investors.


When you are an equity investor, you are More concerned about the upper limit of the company's business development, while debt investors pay more attention to the stability of the company's operations.


This comparison of risk and return is for the same company. For example, if you want to compare Moutai stocks and Evergrande bonds, there is no comparability.

股东和债权人的权利完全不一样 The rights of shareholders and creditors are completely different


Shareholders and themselves are grasshoppers tied to a rope, sharing upside benefits and downside risks. The creditor is different. He and you are not necessarily of the same mind. Sometimes he may increase the downside risk.


Therefore, when financiers choose equity or debt financing, their mentality is completely different.


Generally speaking, suppose that this financier has very stable project performance and very profitable. So from the perspective of financiers, naturally, they don’t want someone to share more of themselves, so the willingness to carry out debt financing will be higher. On the contrary, although a project has a bright prospect, the road may be bumpy and the uncertainty is very large. At this time, financiers must try to avoid being overwhelmed by heavy interest, and will try to choose equity financing as much as possible.


Therefore, according to our observation, very few start-ups will choose debt financing. Moreover, in industries where cash flow is not so stable, such as biomedicine and high-tech, the debt ratio of enterprises is generally relatively low. Conversely, industries with stable cash flow and low upside potential, such as utilities, tend to use debt financing more often.


In many cases, there is also a game relationship between financiers and investors. For example, a limited liability company is in financial trouble and may go bankrupt. Now they have a high-risk project. If they win, they may come back to life. If they lose, they will go bankrupt. Anyway, it is "limited liability". There is a firewall between the personal property of shareholders and the property of the company. In this case, the company may be more inclined to high-risk investments.


Therefore, we will often find that extremely high debt ratios and high-risk investments are often linked together.

股和债之间的联系 The link between stocks and debt


The financial market is a market for various "debt relations". In this market, abstract and virtual debt relations are embodied into various prices and numbers for trading.


Whether stocks or securities, these financial securities are just a piece of paper, even a code stored in a computer in the electronic age. So are we trading this paper or this code? No, what we are trading is the rights and obligations represented by this piece of paper or this code, and these rights and obligations are actually quantifiable responsibilities.


In a broad sense, debt is a responsibility that can be monetized and quantified, so all financial activities can be understood as "borrowing" behavior, but it involves different responsibilities and rights. In essence, you can also understand stocks as a kind of "debt relationship", but this debt relationship is very special, and it contains ownership and management rights. In other words, in the special debt relationship of stocks, "credit rights" have become "property rights."


We have explained the difference and connection between stocks and bonds from the perspectives of investors and financiers. From the perspective of investors, the recourse and risk of equity and debt are different. Equity investors are more concerned about the upper limit of the company's development, and debt investors are more concerned about the lower limit of the company. From the perspective of financiers, science and technology companies are more inclined to equity financing, and public utility companies are more inclined to debt financing.

